This is it! The day has arrived. Piss off "Dear Abby"...there is a new gun in town. We here at "What the Hell is a Gorlok" want our dear followers to know we care, and to prove that, we created this blog to be your voice and now...we want to be like your crazy older brother. Ya' know, the one that only went to college for 3 years, bartends and is shacked up with some girl he met at Pops over on the east side. This is the brother that gives good advice, yet he does not practice what he preaches. This is the same brother that Grandma always refers to as the "late bloomer." That's pretty much how we are going to roll with this post and the next 2 to follow. We are going to be that "late blooming" brother, and answer any questions you might have regarding Webster Advertising and/or the School of Communications. These questions are real and we promise you, the answers will be as well. Webster is about individualism, the forces that be must accept that and let the knowledge here at WTHIAG be heard!! And now...the first question:
What has been the most beneficial advertising class you have taken at Webster and why?
Whoa. Easy there tiger. A pretty broad question for a school that has a pretty broad advertising program. It's hard for me to focus on one individual class. I have enjoyed certain professors and the class they have taught. My advisor has made sure to give me an advertising onslaught of classes to make my ADVT knowledge come full circle. With that being said, I like the classes that push creativity, that push your mind and push your buttons. If your not getting pissed off during a semester you are not learning. Good educators push your buttons and I have had my buttons pushed plenty here at WU (er..wait, did that sound weird?).
So I say, "Push on WU ADVT professors...Push on!"
And if you are in the ADVT program and are a whining Lil' Oprah hugger, buck up... or transfer to UMSL and become a Poly Sci major.