Yes that's right...
They will be taking on the Blackburn Beavers at Grant Gymnasium! Women's game is at 6 and the Men follow at 8. The Student Alumni Association will be providing hot apple cider, hot chocolate, and donuts starrting at 5:30 in the Athletic Commons. They will continue to be provided until we run out!! There will be also handouts and other fun stuff!!! I don't know about the rest of you, but if there is a t-shirt you can bet your sweet patooty that I'll be stopping by.
Danceline will be performing at both half times, the cheerleaders will be there, and the WU Crue and DU will be making their first appearance of the season...also, in support of AIDS Week, the cheerleaders will be wearing a red accent...and we encourage you to do the same. Not too much though since it is the same color as Blackburn!!
So get your derrier out of your charier...yeah I said it...get your navy and gold apparel and come out to support the Gorloks!!!!! See you all then!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
{title of show}
{title of show} is a musical about two song writers trying to write a musical about two song writers trying to make it in New York. That may sound confusing, but it truly is a great show! Music and lyrics are by Jeff Bowen and the book was written by Hunter Bell who is graduate of Webster University. The show has four characters in it. Two men and two women. They are Jeff, Hunter, Susan, and Heidi.
The show will take place in the Studio Theatre from January 13-31. The shows run at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays and 2:00 and 7:00 p.m. on Sundays. This show is definitely recommended for college students, so be sure and show your student ID for a discount. You can call 314-968-4925 or log onto to buy tickets. This show is a comedy and is sure to be a hit. You won't want to miss it!
The show will take place in the Studio Theatre from January 13-31. The shows run at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays and 2:00 and 7:00 p.m. on Sundays. This show is definitely recommended for college students, so be sure and show your student ID for a discount. You can call 314-968-4925 or log onto to buy tickets. This show is a comedy and is sure to be a hit. You won't want to miss it!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Nick IS a Hippie and Matt's last name is Fitzgerald (not really though)
First, I would like to comment on the success of WTHIAG's fan page on Facebook...244 fans!? That's awesome! Thanks to all of you who have taken the time out of your busy day to check out our little blogs...on a side note, thanks also for giving me something to do on Facebook when my FarmVille crops are not yet done growing...
B) The kickoff to the first double header of the Gorlok basketball season is NEXT WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2ND! The women will play at 6 and then the men will continue at 8. They will be taking on the Blackburn Beavers! There will be hot chocolate and apple cider...ya know...until we run out and then you're on your own. There will also be free giveaways and other fun stuff! I don't know about you, but if there is a free t-shirt, you can always count me long as it is legal and doesn't involve needles. So come one, come all! It should be a good time. Go get 'em Gorloks!
Third, as I am sitting here on this November evening, I can't help but think about all the work that needs to be done in the coming weeks...and being in full procrastination mode. No literally, I am. I am doing this to procrastinate on another homework assignment which I will start after I finish this blog...and get a sandwich. I am wondering what is everyone else's favorite way to procrastinate? Facebook doesn't count because everyone does it! Do you get your oil changed? Give your dogs a bath because just today you realized how bad they smelled? Do you clean your room because you just happened to notice how disgusting it is and you absolutely cannot work in a space that is as cluttered as that? Do you go to a Webster University basketball game? Please share...and if you have a cure for the common procrastinator, please share that with us so that we can help those who are also impaired by this condition...because it is fun until you have realized that you have 20 mins before class to get it done and you know you're not...
Finally, I would like to wish you all a happy Thanksgiving and comment on my sister's snoring that is so loud my neighbors just called to complain. This is mainly because the brat would not join WTHIAG.
Happy Thanksgiving...enjoy your turkey/tofurkey/whatever way you celebrate it!
B) The kickoff to the first double header of the Gorlok basketball season is NEXT WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2ND! The women will play at 6 and then the men will continue at 8. They will be taking on the Blackburn Beavers! There will be hot chocolate and apple cider...ya know...until we run out and then you're on your own. There will also be free giveaways and other fun stuff! I don't know about you, but if there is a free t-shirt, you can always count me long as it is legal and doesn't involve needles. So come one, come all! It should be a good time. Go get 'em Gorloks!
Third, as I am sitting here on this November evening, I can't help but think about all the work that needs to be done in the coming weeks...and being in full procrastination mode. No literally, I am. I am doing this to procrastinate on another homework assignment which I will start after I finish this blog...and get a sandwich. I am wondering what is everyone else's favorite way to procrastinate? Facebook doesn't count because everyone does it! Do you get your oil changed? Give your dogs a bath because just today you realized how bad they smelled? Do you clean your room because you just happened to notice how disgusting it is and you absolutely cannot work in a space that is as cluttered as that? Do you go to a Webster University basketball game? Please share...and if you have a cure for the common procrastinator, please share that with us so that we can help those who are also impaired by this condition...because it is fun until you have realized that you have 20 mins before class to get it done and you know you're not...
Finally, I would like to wish you all a happy Thanksgiving and comment on my sister's snoring that is so loud my neighbors just called to complain. This is mainly because the brat would not join WTHIAG.
Happy Thanksgiving...enjoy your turkey/tofurkey/whatever way you celebrate it!
Describe in One Image...
...The caring staff at Webster University.
Knew we should of had red frosting with that cake...
(Thanks to Susan Seymour for that menacing pose... Jason ain't got nothin on the fear of her quizzes)
Knew we should of had red frosting with that cake...
(Thanks to Susan Seymour for that menacing pose... Jason ain't got nothin on the fear of her quizzes)
Monday, November 23, 2009

I don't know what kind of person you are....maybe you go to Webster, maybe you don't? Maybe you like old re-runs of "Saved by the Bell"...I know I do. But what I am hoping just a little compassion. Dig this, I am not a hippy. I have kicked the footbag in a quad like atmosphere while listening to the Grateful Dead...and possibly "in the clouds"...but I am not a hippy. I do not wear Birkenstocks nor do I wear patchouli...but I do like to wear the idea of recycling.
On that note, man..does it ever pi$$ me of when I see plastic bottles and aluminum cans in the trash-cans around campus. Webster does a lot to promote recycling...their are receptacles all over campus. Next time you are in a classroom...look in the trash can and witness yourself.
CALL-TO-ACTION: If you see a bottle or can in the trashcan..take it out and put it where it a recycling bin. That's its home. Some might scoff at the idea of picking an item out of a trashcan...GET OVER really is not that gnarly. At least encourage others to put the plastic/paper/aluminum where it properly goes.
I have included a drawing to show all readers how I feel when I see recyclable materials in a "normal" trashcan.
P.S. On this drawing I have included a Lil' cut-out that promotes recycling. Print the drawing, cut along the dotted lines and tape above classroom trashcans to help get those cans/papers and bottles to their rightful receptacle.
Be Good. Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy Tofurky (I swear I am not a hippy).
Attention seniors/those graduating.. and fans of Alice Sebold
Alice Sebold fans should be pretty excited for the upcoming film THE LOVELY BONES which opens this December.
SYNOPSIS: The Lovely Bones centers on a young girl who has been murdered and watches over her family and her killer from heaven. She must weigh her desire for vengeance against her desire for her family to heal.
So why am I yelling out to all the seniors/those graduating?
I’m asking for all seniors/those graduating to submit 5-10 pictures about how you want to be remembered in college. This could reflect some of your achievements, goals, or your best memories at Webster University. You could write something brief about yourself and how you want to be remembered at Webster. This could apply to groups/organizations at Webster and how they want their legacy to continue.
I am hoping to make a power-point presentation which will consist of a collaboration of everyone’s pictures so that all participants and fellow students can enjoy and admire. So, by submitting pictures you are giving permission to use for this presentation.
This event will take place BEFORE winter break, so get a move on! I will have another post regarding the details of when/where—but in the mean time find some pictures to send… this will be a great way to reflect on your years at Webster!
This event will be sponsored by LOVELY BONES, and all participants could win promotional items (t-shirts, cups, etc.) and/or screening passes to those who participated in this event.
E-mail pictures & description to
Visit to watch the trailer and become a fan on Facebook-- I did!!
SYNOPSIS: The Lovely Bones centers on a young girl who has been murdered and watches over her family and her killer from heaven. She must weigh her desire for vengeance against her desire for her family to heal.
So why am I yelling out to all the seniors/those graduating?
I’m asking for all seniors/those graduating to submit 5-10 pictures about how you want to be remembered in college. This could reflect some of your achievements, goals, or your best memories at Webster University. You could write something brief about yourself and how you want to be remembered at Webster. This could apply to groups/organizations at Webster and how they want their legacy to continue.
I am hoping to make a power-point presentation which will consist of a collaboration of everyone’s pictures so that all participants and fellow students can enjoy and admire. So, by submitting pictures you are giving permission to use for this presentation.
This event will take place BEFORE winter break, so get a move on! I will have another post regarding the details of when/where—but in the mean time find some pictures to send… this will be a great way to reflect on your years at Webster!
This event will be sponsored by LOVELY BONES, and all participants could win promotional items (t-shirts, cups, etc.) and/or screening passes to those who participated in this event.
E-mail pictures & description to
Visit to watch the trailer and become a fan on Facebook-- I did!!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
We Have a T-Shirt...Kinda
Thanks to the brilliant skills of Matt Fitzpatrick and intense boredom...I created the next step in WTHIAG...I don't feel like spelling it out...first Facebook, now...THE WORLD!
Make custom t-shirts at
Dear Webster Film Students,
I thought I would share this movie poster with you all. It really has nothing to do with Webster per say, i just thought it would be cool to talk to the Webster film students on a personal level.
These films are awesome. C'mon now! When you applied to film school weren't these the films you dreamed of making. I'm gonna attach the link to the trailer so you all can watch it. It has everything you want in a movie: humor, low-budget gore, cute/evil turkey and college kids. This is the quintessential American-cult film. I know I'm just an advertising major..but I shoulda' minored in cult-film. My next project will be about a deranged Easter Bunny that terrorizes a suburban mall. I'll call it "Bloody Bunny Chop Hop"...or something. If you are interested in staring/producing this movie, hit me up. I'm going to play the part of the lovable head of mall security. So Webster film Students...soon to be grads...make us proud!!
P.s. Heres the URL if you want to check out the trailer...I say do it!
I'm just gonna park my car on The Quad from now on, is that cool?
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here at Webster. The one thing that really grinds my gears though on a daily basis is the lack of parking...or parking in close proximity to your building. This is really going to apply to those who commute as opposed to those who live on campus.
Unless you are getting to class E-A-R-L-Y...and when I mean early, I mean before 8:30 AM, or, for your night class, don't even think about going into the UC parking lot. If you are going to be there around 10...your best bet is to head straight to the parking garage. Do not pass go/do not collect $200...though that'd be nice. The main reason I am blogging about this today is because the weather is not exactly what I think of as "pleasant" for walking in. It's cold, it's raining, it's wet, and frankly I just don't wanna. Plus the next basketball game isn't until December 2nd
So, in solution to this problem, I have devised a new is called Invent-a-Spot...park anywhere on Webster's campus you can think of, take a picture, and upload it to Facebook...just as long as you have a parking permit or else the proper authorities will hunt you down and further consequences will be issued. If you have a badass crap-purple-brown colored (or Maroon) that is older than your 18-year-old sister, has rusted paint, and poorly positioned bumper stickers, display it on The Quad for all the campus to see! At the end of the semester, all pictures will be examined and whoever came up with the most creative spot wins!
For the sake of staying out of trouble, this blog is NOT by any means to be taken is meant for humor...everyone has a sense of humor...even God...just look at the platypus...
Unless you are getting to class E-A-R-L-Y...and when I mean early, I mean before 8:30 AM, or, for your night class, don't even think about going into the UC parking lot. If you are going to be there around 10...your best bet is to head straight to the parking garage. Do not pass go/do not collect $200...though that'd be nice. The main reason I am blogging about this today is because the weather is not exactly what I think of as "pleasant" for walking in. It's cold, it's raining, it's wet, and frankly I just don't wanna. Plus the next basketball game isn't until December 2nd
So, in solution to this problem, I have devised a new is called Invent-a-Spot...park anywhere on Webster's campus you can think of, take a picture, and upload it to Facebook...just as long as you have a parking permit or else the proper authorities will hunt you down and further consequences will be issued. If you have a badass crap-purple-brown colored (or Maroon) that is older than your 18-year-old sister, has rusted paint, and poorly positioned bumper stickers, display it on The Quad for all the campus to see! At the end of the semester, all pictures will be examined and whoever came up with the most creative spot wins!
For the sake of staying out of trouble, this blog is NOT by any means to be taken is meant for humor...everyone has a sense of humor...even God...just look at the platypus...
Monday, November 16, 2009
The House of Blue Leaves
The House of Blue Leaves is the third and final show of the semester for Webster's conservatory. The show will run December 2-6 and 9-13 @ 7:30 p.m. for evening performances and 2:00 p.m. for Sunday matinees. The House of Blue Leaves will be at Stage 3.
The play was written by John Guare and set in the early 1960's. To give you an idea of what the play is about. The pope is coming into town, there are nuns, political bombings, a GI is headed towards Vietnam, and a zookeeper is trying to make it big as a songwriter. This show is sure to appeal to all different types of audiences.
The New York Times called it zany and original. It's a comedy. The message of the show is to see how far people will go to reach the American Dream. As always the show is free to students with a valid student ID. Don't miss The House of Blue Leaves, it is sure to be a great show!
The House of Blue Leaves,
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I didn't know Zombies could sign a petition!
For those of you that are not in the know, Webster has a fine, ever-growing list of Student Organizations for anyone to join. These activities include being philosophical, being nerdy, being philanthropic, or being pretty. We’ve got it all, from Greek to Ultimate. But of course, being Webster, in some respects we’re different.
The Student Government Association recently approved two new clubs. The Video Game Club (full disclosure, I am a member and roommate of the founder of this club) and the Zombie Awareness and Survival Club…
The brain-eating kind…
That’s what I like about this school. So much diversity! It doesn’t matter if you’re Gay or Straight, Black or White, or Alive or Un-Dead, we all have an equal voice here at Webster University. Hopefully, this will be a step in the right direction for our fair university, for one day we might end the tradition of re-enacting the hunts that these industrious members of society had to go through. One day, we will all be accepted.
One more thing. These two clubs were recognized by SGA on the same day. Only one of them had to explain their value to the university, and explain how they plan to deal with the violence that’s involved in some aspects of their activity. It was the one that doesn't involve eating brains to survive. Most of the time.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Devil Roof.

Here's the story friends: Last week I came to school a lil' outta it. The night before involved ice hockey PBR's and a wee bit o' jager. Needless to say, your boy was kind of having an "off" day. So I was stoked to find out that we would be watching a DVD in class...(lights out, quiet time...yay!).
I thought this would be a perfect time to catch up on a few winks...I would soon find out that my thoughts mocked me. I was using my motorcycle helmet as a head rest when I started to drift into a world full of magical candy and cigar-smoking puppies (yeah, my dreams are wierd...what-of-it?)...but this dream turned into a nightmare as the devil made all the candy and puppies disappear so he/she could dance while listening to loud devil music. The devil was also wearing these military style combat boots that made the dancing he/she was doing super loud. I noticed he was dancing on the roof of a building that I was familiar with. The loud knocks, bangs, stomps and devil music took a tole on me and I awoke outta my slumber yelling "damn you devil...quit your dancing and bring back the candy and puppies!"
The girl sitting next to me gave me an odd stare and asked me how I could relax with all the noise the roofers were making. "Roofers?" I remarked. Turns out the loud noise the roofers were making inspired my dream of the devil dancing on the roof of the Sverdrup. Needless to say, I know the construction has been bugging the spit out of professors and students alike, and I know it will be over soon; yet I thank my bandanna/hair-braided roofer brethren for inspiring me to dream of a world where the devil dances. I drew a picture of my dream so you could get a better idea of what I saw in my slumber. Enjoy!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Looking for something to do with your family this holiday season? Why not go to the St. Louis Repertory Theater and check out A CHRISTMAS STORY playing December 2-27. We all are probably familar with the movie. Ralph wants a Red Ryder BB rifle for Christmas, but his parents tell him "It will shoot your eye out." This is a show that everyone in the family will enjoy! It is recommended for kids 12 years of age or older. Tickets range from $15-$50. When sitting inside the Rep, there's not a bad seat in the house. You can log onto or call 314-968-4925 to purchase tickets.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Don't Be Lame! Go to the Game!!
Need a new method of procrastination on Sunday (other than Facebook)? Well I have just the solution! The Lady Gorloks will be taking on the Dominican University Stars...which thanks to my parents...I now know is in Chicago, IL. So if they can travel 6 hours to take on the Gorloks (which will maybe one day be the Big-Eds), you can travel across the street/down the street/whatever the route is you take on a daily basis to get to our beloved quaint little university that is Webster.
The game will be at 1 p.m. so you have time to sleep off the craziness of a Saturday night in good ole St. Louis! Obviously it will be in Grant Gym...that's not all! Webster's cheerleaders will be there along AND Danceline will be performing at halftime during the game! So come out and show your support!!
Lady Gorloks vs Lady Stars
Sunday, November 15 2009
1 p.m. in Grant Gymnasium
Be there or be square!!!!
The game will be at 1 p.m. so you have time to sleep off the craziness of a Saturday night in good ole St. Louis! Obviously it will be in Grant Gym...that's not all! Webster's cheerleaders will be there along AND Danceline will be performing at halftime during the game! So come out and show your support!!
Lady Gorloks vs Lady Stars
Sunday, November 15 2009
1 p.m. in Grant Gymnasium
Be there or be square!!!!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Crap! Registration?! Graduation?!! .. help!
Hopefully everyone is registered by now. November 2 was the beginning of registration, and for seniors it’s a BIG deal because, well… graduating on time is just a little important.
Many seniors are facing similar problems as myself—not enough credit hours to graduate. If you’re just shy of graduating your adviser can help you petition to register for more hours. Usually it is approved, but at a cost of about $500 per credit hour.. What college student has that kind of money lying around?
… that’s what I thought!
For students in the same boat--- it will be okay! There is a way of graduating ON TIME if you need additional credit hours.
Sign up for required courses for your major @ Webster, taking general studies courses are much easier to transfer over.Take an online course at a community college—look around your home-town if you’re an out of state student to save more money.
Webster allows students to transfer up to 6 credits. So, if you are registered for 18 credits next semester and you need anywhere from 1-6 more credits to graduate in May 2010—you can transfer those credits and graduate on time. Make sure the classes will transfer with no problems before you register.
No need to freak out anymore, you wont have to stay another semester at school if ya’ don’t want to! Now go ahead-- order your cap and gown and rock graduation day.. for this May!
Many seniors are facing similar problems as myself—not enough credit hours to graduate. If you’re just shy of graduating your adviser can help you petition to register for more hours. Usually it is approved, but at a cost of about $500 per credit hour.. What college student has that kind of money lying around?
… that’s what I thought!
For students in the same boat--- it will be okay! There is a way of graduating ON TIME if you need additional credit hours.
Sign up for required courses for your major @ Webster, taking general studies courses are much easier to transfer over.Take an online course at a community college—look around your home-town if you’re an out of state student to save more money.
Webster allows students to transfer up to 6 credits. So, if you are registered for 18 credits next semester and you need anywhere from 1-6 more credits to graduate in May 2010—you can transfer those credits and graduate on time. Make sure the classes will transfer with no problems before you register.
No need to freak out anymore, you wont have to stay another semester at school if ya’ don’t want to! Now go ahead-- order your cap and gown and rock graduation day.. for this May!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The Winter's Tale at Webster conservatory
The Winter's Tale is playing at Webster University's conservatory November 18-21 at 8:00 p.m. and November 22 at 2:00 p.m. The show was written by William Shakespeare and is full of romance, comedy, and tragedy. The show is free to Webster students with a valid student ID. You won't want to miss this production! It is sure to be great. For more information on the show or how to get tickets, visit
I'm diggin' on a new mascot....
First off....thanks Meaghan for detailing, to our readers, the present format of our mascot. I, personally don't know if I'm down with the Gorlok anymore. It seems back in 1984 when this mythical creature was "born"....they only had (2) streets in mind (Gore and Lochwood) and combining creatures that sound like the animals you would find at a 6 yr. old girls fantasy zoo. What kind of brownies were they eating in 1984 @ Webster? They must have made lights seem more colorful and the movie Back To The Future really awesome. Whatever was in them, give a couple of pieces to Marty McFly so he can hop in the DeLorean and time travel to 2009 so your boy Nick here, can "fly" like they were at Webster... circa 1984! (circa is such a lame word).
On that note...I propose a new mascot! It must be something powerful, yet classy and modest.
We take the streets: Big Bend and Edgar- and become the...ready?....WEBSTER BIG-ED's!!!
We then take the "classy/sheik" horn of a Unicorn; the "majestic" body of a Brown Mallard Duck; and the "heroic" hair of John Ginsburg (Webster's director of student activities)
POW! I've attached a draft of what the Big-Ed will look like. I hope you are all stoked as much as I am.
Do you really wanna know what a gorlok is?
According to the handy-dandy Webster University Student Handbook and Calendar, the Gorlok is Webster's mascot. It is a mythical creature similar to that of a minotaur (yay Role Models) and has the face of a Saint Bernard, paws of a cheetah, and horns of a buffalo. The name came from two streets in Webster Groves: Gore and Lockwood. The creature first debuted February 9, 1988 which is also a historic day in U.S. history for it was the day yours truly was born. The Gorlok only comes out rarely...only during SOME athletic events that take place in Grant Gym...kind of like the groundhog when it's February 2nd...though the Gorlok does tend to come out a little more than that. Hoo-rah!
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