Here's the story friends: Last week I came to school a lil' outta it. The night before involved ice hockey PBR's and a wee bit o' jager. Needless to say, your boy was kind of having an "off" day. So I was stoked to find out that we would be watching a DVD in class...(lights out, quiet time...yay!).
I thought this would be a perfect time to catch up on a few winks...I would soon find out that my thoughts mocked me. I was using my motorcycle helmet as a head rest when I started to drift into a world full of magical candy and cigar-smoking puppies (yeah, my dreams are wierd...what-of-it?)...but this dream turned into a nightmare as the devil made all the candy and puppies disappear so he/she could dance while listening to loud devil music. The devil was also wearing these military style combat boots that made the dancing he/she was doing super loud. I noticed he was dancing on the roof of a building that I was familiar with. The loud knocks, bangs, stomps and devil music took a tole on me and I awoke outta my slumber yelling "damn you devil...quit your dancing and bring back the candy and puppies!"
The girl sitting next to me gave me an odd stare and asked me how I could relax with all the noise the roofers were making. "Roofers?" I remarked. Turns out the loud noise the roofers were making inspired my dream of the devil dancing on the roof of the Sverdrup. Needless to say, I know the construction has been bugging the spit out of professors and students alike, and I know it will be over soon; yet I thank my bandanna/hair-braided roofer brethren for inspiring me to dream of a world where the devil dances. I drew a picture of my dream so you could get a better idea of what I saw in my slumber. Enjoy!
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